Vytas is an artist, designer, and educator interested in how emerging technologies inhabit and shape our everyday lives. His practice encompasses connected objects, language models, social networking, and how they contribute to the mundane chaos and technodomestic romance.

Vytas Jankauskas

Vytas’ work has appeared at the Medialab Matadero, V&A Digital Design Weekend, Tate Modern Late Exchange, CCCB (with Superflux), Chroniques Biennale, Chronus Art Center, Salone Internazionale del Mobile, ISEA, and Cité du Design St.Etienne, amongst others. Vytas is currently the Head of Digital Pool at HEAD (Geneva University of Art and Design) as well as program lead at La Plateforme in Marseille where he runs an interdisciplinary course exploring small-community-inspired, decentralised social media. Between 2019-2021 Vytas was the Head of Research and Creation at the Chronus Art Center Lab, Shanghai. In 2021, he was also Adjunct Faculty at NYU ITP, Tisch School of the Arts.


E: vytas@vjnks.com
I: @veeetautas