In a world of chaos, ALTAR-3000 is a long overdue, automated totem of customised belief. Powered by natural language processing, this intelligent home altar performs gimmicky New Age rituals all while generating "prophecies" for headlines retrieved from betting platforms that offer exchanges on near-future political, financial, and other events. The automated sand garden—adorned with paraphernalia that might have meant something once but doesn’t reflect much in the age of multitude of easily digestible truths—disseminates its prophecies on conspiracy forums.
+ +"You should also consider that a refrigerator is not a machine and therefore not a freezer" was also part of the project's title, generated by the refrigerator itself. In collaboration with experimental musician Gooooose (Han Han), the performance consists of a melancholically singing AI-enhanced fridge and Gooooose accompanying it on a synth. The duet ironically looks at human-AI "collaboration" whilst simultaneously inviting to perceive today's ubiquitous domestic appliances with revived thrill and re-evoked sentiments of endearment.
+ +Unfamiliar Convenient is set to challenge the limits of smart home objects in order to introduce a range of peculiar behaviors. The first inquiry in an envisioned series studies the relationship between a voice assistant and a vacuum cleaner. The project aims to draw a clearer distinction between the two often coupled definitions, the "internet of things" and "the smart home", as a prerequisite to imagine alternatives for dominant servitude-driven relationships with everyday technologies. What if domestic appliances were to be considered a species?
+ +Cached engages with the repercussions of our individual online presence. Our online personality is cached, used to create a digital model of each of us to learn as much as possible. The Cached experience gives you a glimpse at how algorithms have learned to view us and the assumptions they make.
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